Sang Tae Park, Ph.D.

CEO / President

Previous career
  • 前) CEO/CCO, Psomagen Inc.
  • Postdoctoral researcher at Harvard Medical School Hospital
  • Researcher at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard/Biomedical Engineering at Boston Univ./NEIDL
Area of Expertise
  • General management
  • Ph.D, Microbiology, Yonsei University

Yong Gu Lee

VP. Chief Operation Officer

Previous career
  • 前) VP, COREE Group
  • 前) Director, Healthcare Business Department, Beijing Runmeikang (Affiliate of Hanmi Pharm. Co., Ltd.)
  • 前) Commissioner, Management Planning Office, Beijing Hanmi Pharm. Co., Ltd.
  • 前) Team Leader, Marketing Strategy Office, Hanmi Pharm. Co., Ltd.
Area of Expertise
  • Business manager
  • Hanyang University

Chi Woo Ahn

VP, Chief Financial Officer

Previous career
  • 現) CFO, COREE Group
  • 前) Beijing Hanmi Pharmaceutical
  • 前) Samhwa Accounting Corporation
Area of Expertise
  • Financial management
  • Department of International Business and Trade, Kyunghee University

Geon Sang Yoo

VP, Head of Management BU

Previous career
  • 現) CEO, Ofmom Korea Company / COREE Pohang
  • 前) CFO, Hanmi Marketing Group
  • 前) COO, Beijing HanmiIT Co., Ltd.
  • 前) Samsunglife/SK C&C
Area of Expertise
  • HR management
  • Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Jang Hee Kim

VP, Chief Legal Officer

Previous career
  • Univ. of South Carolina, Judicial Doctor
  • 現) CEO, COREE Company Limited
  • 前) CLO, COREE Company Limited
  • 前) Attorney at Legal team of Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co., Ltd./LS Cable & System
Area of Expertise
  • Legal affairs management
  • Department of Political Science, Konkuk University

R&D Management


COREE Italy Technical Advisor

Main profile

2003 - 2018 | Professor of Agrarian Microbiology - Catholic University of the Sacred Heart “CUSH” (Piacenza)

  • 2008 - 2018 | Member of the standing Committee Nutrition and Health, established by the International Dairy Federation (FIL/IDF)
  • 2009 - 2017 | President of the department of Food Science and Technology – CUSH (Piacenza)
  • 2008 - 2010 |Member of the advisory commission on diet and nutrition – Italian Ministry of Health
  • 2003 - 2007 | EU’s project “ACE-ART” scientific coordinator – Assessment and Critical Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistance Transferability in Food Chain
  • 2003 - 2006 | Participation to EU’s project “INFABIO” (effect of diet and lifestyle on risk of gastrointestinal infection and allergy in early life)
  • 2003 - 2005 | Member of the advisory commission on products intended for a particular diet, established – Italian Ministry of Health
  • 2000 - 2004 | Participation to EU’s project “DEPROHEALTH” (gathering of information regarding probiotic use in treating human intestinal disorders)
  • 1996 - 1999 | Participation to EU’s project “PROBDEMO” (demonstration of the nutritional functionality of probiotic foods)
  • 1991 - 1994 | Central scientific coordinator of the European research project FLAIR “Human probiotics”, first ever EU project dedicated to this topic
  • Founder of “Advanced Analytical Technologies” (2005), the first spin-off company of the CUSH (Piacenza)
  • Inventor of various patents, four of which related to the probiotic usage of lactic bacteria (U.S.)
  • Member of the “Task force on Probiotics” – International Institute of Life Sciences (ILSI) since 2006
  • Participation on the drafting on FAOs and WHOs guidelines on food use of probiotics (2001-2002)
  • Participation on the drafting on FAOs “Technical Report on Prebiotics” (2007)
  • 1979 | Agrarian Sciences degree – CUSH (Piacenza)

Su Won Lee, Ph.D.

Director, Microbiome R&D center

COREE Group Microbiome R&D center Advisory committee

Probiotics team Advisory committee, Beijing Hanmi Pharm. Co., Ltd.

Previous career
  • Director, COREE Group Microbiome R&D center (China)
  • Executive Director, Nutrition R&D Division, Hanmi Science Co., Ltd.
  • CEO, Venture Corporation Sungkyun Biotech Co., Ltd
  • Professor, Department of Food and Biotechnology, Sungkyunkwan University
  • Director of Applied Development Research Center, Korea Yakult Research Center
  • Probiotics R&D
  • Ph.D, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, Japan
  • M.S, Dairy Processing and Dairy Microbiology, Seoul National University

Sang Jin Park, Ph.D.

Director, Molecular Genomics R&D Center

Head of Precision Medicine

Previous career
  • Human and Mammalian Genetics and Genomics training course
  • certification, The Jackson Laboratory & Johns Hopkins Univ., USA.
  • Research lnstructor, Department of Medical Genetics, Ajou University School of Medicine
  • Lab director, Genetics Clinic Center, Ajou University Medical Center
  • Member of the American Society of Human Genetics
  • Member of the Korean Society of Medical Genetics
  • Expert advisor in Medical Genomics field, KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
Area of Expertise
  • Genome analysis and diagnosis
  • Research and development of clinical genomic diagnostic methods & testing service platforms in cancer, genetic diseases , infectious diseases and microbiome
  • Research on cell development mechanisms, discovery of biomarkers
  • M.S./ Ph.D. Medical Genetics & Genomics, Biomedical engineering(BME) course, Ajou University

Won Jin Lee

Head of invitro diagnostics

Previous career
  • 前) Research/Production/Academic, Humasis Co., Ltd.
  • 前) Production/Diagnosis manager, ImmuneMed Inc.
Area of Expertise
  • IVD R&D and production
  • M.S, Biochemistry, Hanyang University